
What is code explorer.

List up the filtered lines, code outline, results of search, caret history, list of breakpoints, list of marks.

Filtering code

Default: list up ruby's class, module, def. This function depends on Ruby Fountain Parsing Information, so RubyFountain must be selected. Click to jump to the correspond line.

At [Index Option], you can set the condition of filterring. The way of setting is like a replace function. At Find textbox, you can write regular expressions (Perl5 compatible), and At Output textbox, write match result like $&, $1.

Exchange the positions of methods

You can select rows including a selected row by double click an item. On [Index Option] form, you can set the ending condition to select. [StartRow] and [EndRow] are relative position from a start/end matching row.

# This method is ...
def method1

# This method is ...
def method2

When you want to select def block with comment above, you set index option like below.

Find: ^(\s*)def
Find End: ^$1end
StartRow: -3
EndRow: 0

After selecting, you can move them to above or below another item in a code explorer.

Code Explorer Menu

Right click menu