There are sample scripts in $RDE_PATH/scripts/*

You can test them easily with $RDE_PATH/scripts/sample_registered.ini. First, you need to replace "C:/rde/main/scripts/" with your environment's path. After you save current registred scripts to a file, you load $RDE_PATH/scripts/sample_registered.ini from [Macro]-[Register Script...]-[Load...].

calc_ole.rb [ole]calcurate selection
check_syntacs.rb check ruby syntacs
comment.rb comment out by #
commentin.rb commnet in
ctags.rb [ole]run ctags with current file name and directory
downcase_ole.rb selection downcase
ftp_put.rb [ole]ftp put
goo_dic.rb seach keyword by dictionary of goo.
grep.rb grep in current file and output to console window
grep_ole.rb [ole]grep in current file and move to hit point in codewindow.
htmllink.rb find http:// and wrap it with alink.
migrep.rb [ole]launch MiGrep with keyword ,current fileext mask, current directory.
teratermlog.rb reformat wordwraped log file.
upcase_ole.rb [ole]selection upcase
web_serach.rb [ole]launch InternetExplorer and searach keyword in web .
wraptag.rb [ole]wrap selection with inputed tag.