Quick start

When you launch rde.exe for the first time, the Options form will appear.

You have to set some settings. RDE needs this settings for debug.

First. input a path of Translation file on [Directory]-[Translation File]. example is [$RDE_PATH]\Translations\Japanese.xml, and select a font for your language.

Restart rde.exe after change a path of translation file. Menu and other display in selected language.

  1. input a path to ruby.exe in [Ruby]-[Ruby Program Path].
  2. input a path to Ruby Reference Manual(HTML Help Version) in [Ruby]-[Ruby HTML Help Path].
  3. input a option -r debug2 in [Debug]-[Ruby's Option]-[Debug Mode]

Case cygwin version Ruby

If you use cygwin's binary, you should setup below for using debug on rde.

you put the 'cygpath.ini' file in the "rde.exe"'s folder. This files contains the table that shows the rule of converting path. It is tab separated. Show below. RDE replaces 1st item in the path with 2nd item before jump open.


/usr/lib	c:\cygwin\lib
/usr/bin	c:\cygwin\bin
/bin	c:\cygwin\bin
/	c:\cygwin

When RDE cannot parse output of cygwin's ruby collectly, Change the option [Options]-[Ruby's setting]-[Send LF Only].